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Let us Triple your Business!
We are working in all countries for over 35 years
and have three specialties in our company:
Training - Consultancy - Forensic-Auditing
Triple Services
Power Query
Power Pivot
Power View-Map
Power BI desktop - Online
Financial Reporting
Build Excel Reports (Dashboards and Cockpits) and automate them to prevent errors, with a speed gain of at least 80%
Our way of working is completely different!
So together we come 10 steps further.
​ can generate different types of reports
Triple is the world leading specialist in the field of detection Errors
and Tracing of Fraud
Information Investigation
Data collection for research
investigate user errors / forensic accounting and accounting fraud investigations.
Let us Triple your Business!
We are working in all countries for over 35 years and have three specialties in our company:
Training - Consultancy - Forensic-Auditing
Our Expertise is at the highest possible level in the world. With our Financial Excel training courses, we are a world leader, as with our Consultant departments. We program, among other things, (Financial) Reporting tools with Excel, in terms of flexibility / costs and maintenance this has a great advantage over all Customized Software. We use Excel for all our expertise.
Our customers:
Small and Medium Business - Multinationals - Universities - Banks and Governments.
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